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Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Issue Of Sex Education - 919 Words

I was a senior in high school at the age of 17 when I had my son Zachary. Up until that moment I lived just as my other classmates did. I played the sax in the school band, football games on the weekend and hit the books on Mondays. Although I wouldn’t trade my son for the world, I wish I would have waited after college and a degree to raise him. The only thing my parents ever told me on the topic of sex education was â€Å"Mijo, debes de tener relaciones sexuales† simply meaning don’t have sex. My schools sex Ed class or lack thereof, was a faded memory at best. I was taught close to nothing about contraceptives, STD’s and HIV, but if I had there would be no doubt the last 6 years of my life would have been much less complicated. It wasn’t until the 1980’s Texas started to notice the rising amount of teen pregnancies. In 1981 under the Regan Administration, the federal government began to fund program called an Adolescent Family Life Act pro moting â€Å"chastity† and â€Å"self- discipline.† Soon after it took the name abstinence only education and was given $50 million a year in federal funding. Federal funds increased at the fastest rate during the Bush admiration. From 1996 to 2006 the Welfare Law and Marriage and Healthy Family Development Initiative were introduced and over $1.5 billion dollars from taxpayers was used towards abstinence only programs (State Profiles: A Portrait of Sexuality Education and Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs in the, 2010). It was obvious thisShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Sex Education1613 Words   |  7 PagesWhen hearing the term â€Å"sex education,† most will immediately think of â€Å"the talk† that parents have with children. â€Å"The talk,† a phrase widely used through everyday life, movies, television, etc. is intended by parents to inform their children of the consequences of unsafe sex and to explain how babies are made. Despite being a necessary conversation at home, this â€Å"talk† is generally vague and uninformative in comparison to classes on the subject. However, this topic causes chaos when dealing withRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Education1429 Words   |  6 Pagestheir students in sex education classes. All public schools should require that sex education teaches more than only about abstinence and STI’s. First, schools need to make sure that the information being taught in sex education is medically correct. Many teenagers will go through sex education, but it is a different experience for all of them because of â€Å"lack of standardized curricula at the federal, state, and sometimes district level† (Hamilton). As of right now, sex education is mostly basedRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Sex Education965 Words   |  4 PagesIn the early 1960’s the controversial issue of sex education started to become a more prevalent conversation among educators and parents alike when the Food and Drug Administration approved the sale of oral contraceptives(Szustek, 2009). Though the topic was previously being discussed as early as mid to late 19th century, it was not deemed completely necessary or an appropriate topic for school aged children prior to this point. In the United States more than 750,000 girls between the ages of 15-19Read MoreSex Education Is The Teaching Of Iss ues1048 Words   |  5 PagesSex education is the teaching of issues relating to human sexuality and behavior, including anatomy, reproduction, health relationships, responsibilities, abstinence, and birth control. This information can be taught by parents or guardians, provided by school programs or public health organizations and campaigns. Sex education also develops young people s skills so that they can make the most informed choices when it comes to their behavior, and feel confident enough and competent about actingRead MoreThe Issue Of Public Single Sex Education Essay1407 Words   |  6 Pagessingle-sex education has increased in the recent years as schools are piled with more pressure to increase their grades and keep teaching method fresh. It’s an old approach to the education but its gaining momentum in public schools as it has been the method in most private schools. According to the report by National Association for Single Sex Education, over two hundred publ ic schools across the United States offer single-sex classrooms. Most public schools are venturing into single-sex educationRead MoreAbstinence-only vs. Abstinence-plus1607 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many problems facing teenagers these days. None are bigger than the issue of underage sex, and all the issues stemming from it. The number of teenagers becoming sexually active, pregnant, and contracting sexually transmitted diseases are rapidly on the rise. There is no simple fix, or easy solution to this problem. Sex education should begin at home, and extend to include an effective program in schools that reinforce a clear message of abstaining from sexual activity in addition toRead MoreEssay The Argument of Sex Education in School1227 Words   |  5 Pagesall parents who have a common concern on the material being taught on the issue of Sex Education in schools. Fellow parents vote on them to insure that they make the correct decisions on what their kids are learning in school. They are all from some form of the Christian religion. They are from ages 30 and older. They represent all races. They all have a college degree and the majority of them have doctorate degree in education. They are mainly from the upper economic levels in society. The chairmenRead MoreSex Education : The Problem With Sexual Education1327 Words   |  6 PagesThere are a lot of issues when it comes to Sex Education in our education system. I thought that I was one of few that thought there was actually an issue until we had a discussion post about it earlier in the semester. Through that assignment I learned that it is definitely more controversial than I could have ever imagined, and I also learned that more people think that there is a problem than just me. After that discussion post I felt really passionately about this topic and what we are doingRead More Education Is Key: A Comprehensive Approach to Sex Education Essay1579 Words   |  7 PagesSex education is about in forming students about sex so that they can make educated decisions when the time comes to have sex. Sex education helps students protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, STDs, and HIV/AIDS. Students should leave a sex education course with the right tools so they make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being. The goal of sex education is to provide a student with as much information as possible so that they can use the skills they learned inRead Moreme me931 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ No such thing as â€Å"Separate but Equal† in Education One of the most common question for parents when it comes to choosing high schools or college for their child is â€Å"Should girls and boys be taught separately, either in different classes or entirely differently schools, to improve their educational performances, or is such an approach a throwback to a teaching method that was discredited years ago† (Update: Single-Sex Education). In the past, it was more common for boys and girls to be educated

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Bombing On 16th Street Baptist Church Essay - 2055 Words

In 1963, a month after Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech rang harmonies of freedom and equality throughout the United States, Klan members set off dynamite in the sixteenth Baptist Church. The resulting explosion and compromise in the integrity of the building killed four girls. These girls, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Denise McNarr were the victims of this atrocity. The events that followed furthered the bloodshed. Thousands of black protestors flooded the streets in protest of the horrific acta that took place in the sixteenth Baptist street church [2]. It was not until 2001 and 2002 when some of the men responsible for the crimes would be prosecuted and eventually convicted. Though the intent of the bombing was to instill fear and panic into the black community, what came about was unity and a call to action. During this call to action, people had different ideas on how to respond to the events surrounding the bombing on 16th street Baptist church. The response ranged from marching, protests, and most importantly, music. During the Civil Rights movement, music allowed artists to express their dissent through a medium in which their message could reach a plethora of peoples. Music during this time was also akin to the music effect of â€Å"work songs† sang during slavery as well as songs such as â€Å"we shall overcome† which draws parallels to songs sang as slaves attempted to escape to the north. Music also helped those involved in the civilShow MoreRelatedThe Watsons Go To Birmingham By Christopher Curtis And 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing?830 Words   |  4 PagesCurtis and â€Å"16th Street Baptist Church Bombing,† by Jessica McBirney the authors both use the church bombing event to develop their own central ideas. In the text, â€Å"The Watsons Go to Birmin gham,† by Christopher Curtis the central idea focuses on how the event affected a few families personally, and the whole community in a different way. This is shown when the main character Kenny thinks his sister was killed in the bombing, though she was not. In the text, â€Å"16th Street Baptist Church Bombing,† by JessicaRead More`` Ballad Of Birmingham `` By Randall Dudley1332 Words   |  6 Pageswill experience. A scared mother who does not want her little girl to see what is going on has no idea what is fixing to happen. Randall Dudley’s â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham,† gives a clear vision of what happened this day in 1963. The bombing at the 16th street baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama was a tragic event for the ones in this time. The poem shows the social and historical context of what exactly was going on during this time. The author, Randall Dudley, was born on January 14, 1914. He wasRead MoreBallad Of Birmingham By Dudley Randall1549 Words   |  7 Pagesattending the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Four young black girls died in the bombing, inspiring poet Dudley Randall to write his powerful poem, â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham.† Through his poetry, Randall influenced change in the Civil Rights movement, and by owning the largest printing press of the 1960s, played a huge role in the Black Arts Movement. Dudley Randall’s ballad, â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham,† expresses his feelings of helplessness and sorrow after the tragic and senseless 16th StreetRead MoreEssay on Birmingham 19631346 Words   |  6 Pagesnational newspapers and circulated through various churches in pamphlet form. Another important event that happened in September of 1963 was the bombing of the 16th street Baptist Church. In the explosion, four little girls were killed. (Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Rosamond Robertson and Addie Mae Collins) Four men had committed the bombing in an attempt to slow down the civil rights movement in Birmingham. These four men were Robert Chamblis, Thomas Blanton Jr., Bobby Frank Cherry,Read MoreThe Music Of The Song985 Words   |  4 Pagestumultuous times of Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, a tragic event happened in Birmingham, Alabama – the Birmingham Church Bombing. This incident is described by Martin Luther King, Jr. as â€Å"one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity† (Krajicek, 2013). On September 15th, 1963, four members of the Ku Klux Klan planted a dynamite in the 16th Street Baptist Church, killing four young girls and injuring 22 others (HISTORY, 2010). This grievous happening dramatically influencedRead MoreThe I Have A Dream Speech1335 Words   |  6 Pagesbegan protests and marches that lead to controversy around the United States. These marches and protests however, lead to violent acts. He also delivered the â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech† and changed the world that we live in today. Next, the 16th Street Baptist church bombing occurred leaving a lot of controversy between the Native American and African American races. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was also a huge political figure in this time. He was elected president of the United States in 1961 and was assassinatedRead MoreA Historical Look Into the â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham1102 Words   |  5 PagesA Historical Look into the â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham The â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham is a shocking poem that was written by Dudley Randall about a bombing of an African American church in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. The bombing of the church was racially motivated and resulted in the death of four innocent African American girls and was the turning point in the United States 1960s Civil Rights Movement. In Dudley’s poem he has taken such a sad event and turned it into a poem showing the racially motivatedRead MoreEssay on Equality: Free at Last!816 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human, and, therefore, brothers.† Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached this to his congregation at Ebenezer Baptist Church. I found this to be true on a trip I took to the Deep South with a group I am in called Operation Understanding Hampton Roads. OUHR promotes the interaction between Jewish and African American students in order to l earn about each others cultures. In the Deep SouthRead MoreMusic That Made The Movement1495 Words   |  6 PagesSeptember 15, 1963, the parishioners of the 16th Street Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama congregated to for their weekly Sunday service. This particular Sunday was the Church’s Youth Day. In the basement of the church were five young girls, excited to take part in this Sunday’s service. Just before 11 o’clock, the intended time to begin the service, the parishioners were knocked to the ground due to a bomb which was placed under the steps of the church. Tragically due to their location, eleven-year-oldRead MoreThe Causes and Solutions of Historical Amnesia639 Words   |  3 Pagesanniversary of the bombing at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama—an act of white terror that killed four little black girls (adding to the innumerable death toll of the Civil Rights Movement) and injured many other black church members? No? Okay. But you did probably know that two weeks ago marked the 1st anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, right? That’s fine, the discrepancy in your memory can likely be attributed to the recency of the Boston bombing; maybe you had not

Friday, December 13, 2019

Deutsche Brewery Question and Answer Free Essays

1. What accounts for Deutsche Brauerei’s (DB) rapid growth in recent years? What strategic choices were made? The Ukraine account grow rapidly in the recent years. The strategic is just expanding, more focus on the sale/volume, not on how to turn the order to money. We will write a custom essay sample on Deutsche Brewery Question and Answer or any similar topic only for you Order Now It can be understood that the local distributors need some policy support from DB, because they just start, still at the beginning of capitalization period. The current credit policy is applicable for the starting phase, but long term it needs to be adapted (e. g annual bounce on the pay on time accounts). Meanwhile because of fast expansion, more investments on the Assets in Ukraine is needed. The financial plan includes a 7 million euro investment in new plant and equipment for the Ukrainian operations in 2001, followed by a 6. 8 million euro investment in 2002 for a new Ukranian warehouse and distribution center. Which is reasonable, but need more detail plan/business case before make the decision. I would say, half of the amount should be financed by Ukraine team itself, if they are able to turn the account receivable to cash. 2. What is the credit policy for DB for distributors in the Ukraine? Why is it different from other sales? Is it appropriate (examine the business models in both instances). The credit policy for Ukranian distributors from 2 percent 10, net 40 to 2 percent 10, net 80 (clients could take a 2% discount if payment was made within 10 days of the invoice, otherwise payment was due in full within 80 days). The credit policy for Ukranian distributors differed because Ukrainian entrepreneurs, who are ambitious to grow but without support from the bank as in Germany. The credit policy for the Ukranian distributors is applicable, which can support the distributor to expand, buy new equipment, and required more time than usual to pay. Also is a good investment for DB to build up the relationship with the distributor and meanwhile invest for the futurn. But on the other hand, long payment turn cost bad cash flow. In Ex1, the account receivable increase a lot, which 3. Why does this profitable firm need increasing amounts of debt? If the company wants to expand, they need cash. It seems that DB is profitable, but because of the big account receivable, which cause actually cash tie-up. In order to still keep expanding, DB have to increasing amount of debt for investing. 4. Something about dividends: The quarterly dividend proposed is 698,000 euro, an amount equal to 25% of the projected 2001 dividends (2,793 k). However, this dividend increase is based on projected earnings, and several factors affect whether those earnings. Better to reserve a part of money till end of the year. . What should Greta do with respect to: the proposed raise for Pinchuk, the quarterly dividend and the financial plan for 2001? Regarding the credit policy for Ukranian distributors, Oleg argues that this process is profitable for the company. Actually, Ex1 in the base case shows accounts receivables in the Ukraine increased 30% from 1999 to 2000, and is projected to increase for the next 2 years (50% then 30% based on the previous year). Having a large amount of money tied up in re ceivables is risky. My idea will be short the payment to 40 days, pay in 10 days will have even bigger discount 3-4%, meanwhile, if the account can pay all the bill on time (40 days), can get annul bounce (tbd). For the investment, I will be more careful, Although the data should the growth of sale and assent is not hand in hand. But because of the high debt/equity ratio, I will be more careful on the investment, avoid to have too high debt. We can try to work together with one or two local disctributors (e. g. Kiev, Odessa) to have JV project. About the dividends, I will maybe go for 60% of earning, which mean 15% of the projected annual dividends for the quarterly pay. Just in case, if the actual data is not as good as predicted data, we still have enough cash to run the business. 6. Some observation of Ex4. Profitability: low return Leverage: high risk (high debt) Asset utilization: receiveables growth rate high longer payment. Difference between sale growth and asset growth. Sale Growth is much higher than assent growth, need to consider investment. Liquidity: short term financial commitment. Quick ratio is too high. How to cite Deutsche Brewery Question and Answer, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Case Study on Building Contract Law Case Study

Question: John agrees to build an extension to Chens house. At the time they enter the agreement, the price of building materials is increasing week by week. John is reluctant to set a price for the work until he knows how much it is going to cost. Chen agrees in the contract that he will pay John the purchase price of materials as at the date of completion plus $6000 for labour. The parties also agree that the work must be completed by the end of June, as Chens family is coming to visit him at that time. Before the work begins, there is an unexpected increase in labour costs and an equally unexpected drop in the price of building materials. John tells Chen that he will need to increase the labour component to $10,000 or not do the job at all. Chen is anxious that the work be completed by the end of June so reluctantly agrees to the change. John builds the extension but does not finish it until the middle of July. Because of this, Chen had to pay for his family to stay in a hotel for three wee ks at a total cost of $3000. Chen is now refusing to pay John more than the price of materials plus $6000 for labour. In addition, he wants John to compensate him for the money he had to pay for the hotel. Required: Answer the following questions. In each case, give reasons for your answers, and support your reasons with case law. a. Is there a valid enforceable contract between Chen and John?b. What arguments could Chen use to support his refusal to pay John more than theoriginal agreed price? c. What arguments could Chen use to support his claim for compensation for the hotel?d. What arguments could John use to support his claim to the $10,000 he wants Chen topay? Answer: The given questions have been answered below. 1. Is there a valid enforceable contract between Chen and John? Issue: The question that has been given, itself is the issue, which is, if the contract between Chen and John is a valid one? Rule: contract(or informally known as anagreementin somejurisdictions) is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or moreparties, each of whom intends to create one or more legalobligationsbetween them. The elements of a contract are "offer" and "acceptance" by "competent persons" having legal capacity who exchanges "consideration" to create "mutuality of obligation."- Common Law Legal System. Analysis: the common law system and the contract law of Australia tell us that contract can be formed when certain conditions are fulfilled. When two or more parties (Chen and John), have a lawful object (building of the house extension), where john agrees to build the extension of Chens house (legal work) on a payment of certain sum (consideration) within the given period of time. When the definition of the contract is analyzed and the given situations is considered it can be seen that it lies parallel to one another. It also creates a mutual obligation between them which is that John would build the extension of the house within the given period of time and Chen in return will give him the payment they have agreed upon. Conclusion: the contact law and the common law give a definition of how a valid enforceable contract can be formed. And the situation given fulfills all the given criteria; hence the contract between John and Chen is a valid enforceable contract. Case law where the offer was a valid one: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 2. Issue: What arguments could Chen use to support his refusal to pay John more than the Original agreed price? Rule: a contract is formed on agreed terms between the parties who are getting into the agreement. Here the terms and the considerations has already been decided and no clause has been put in, as to change in either because of unforeseen circumstances, and since when entering into a contract the parties are into a mutual obligation to complete the given work within the stipulated time, Chen can refuse to pay on the basis of breach of duty or the mutual obligation by the other part (John) - Contract Law Analysis: when we refer to the issue we see that there was a particular compensation that Chen had agreed to pay to John for building up the extension of his house within the given period of time, because his family needed accommodation after that time. what is seen after that is that there is an increase in the labor costs while there is a decrease in the price of the materials required for the building up of the extension, and because of this john asks an increase in the labor price, or else he would not work for Chen, to which Chen reluctantly agreed because he wanted the work to be complete within the given period of time. But the work though is completed has taken one and a half more months, and because of this Chen had to face difficulties and pay extra for his familys accommodation. What we see is that Chen had agreed to pay the given price only on one condition that is the extension should have been completed by June, which certainly has not been done. When the only reason on which the extra payment was agreed upon is not kept in mind by John, Chen can hence deny the payment on ground of breach of duty of John, and can therefore refuse to pay the extra charges that John had asked for. Conclusion: the Contract Law provides provisions for the plaintiff if there is a breach of duty by the defendant, and hence gives provisions for the plaintiff to act in a certain manner when the duty has not been fulfilled. Hence there are reasons which Chen can when he refuses to pay the extra amount of labor cost as his work was not done according to the terms of the contract. Case law: for breach of duty when a contract have been formed- Payless Travel v Baba Krupa Holidays [2004] All ER (D) 503 3. Issue: What arguments could Chen use to support his claim for compensation for the hotel? Rule: Damages for breach of contract are viewed as a 'substitute' for performance - consequently, they are designed to put the plaintiff in the position they would have been in had the contract been performed properly. Punitive damages are not available. The loss claimed must not be too remote from the breach and the non-breaching party must do what is reasonable to reduce (mitigate) the damage they suffer.- Australian Contract Law. analysis: what has been discussed earlier is the part where John has delayed the making of the extension of the house by one and a half months which in a way is breach of duty because the terms of the contract which John and Chen had got into clearly stated that the extension of the house was to be completed by June because Chen needed the accommodation for his family who would arrive by then. And this was the only reason why eventually and reluctantly Chen had agreed on paying more labor cost to John. But since this term was ignored and the work took longer, Chen had to find accommodation for his family in the hotel for which he had to incur a cost of $3000 which could have been uncalled for if the house would have built on time. Conclusion: award for damages are compensatory states the central principle which is governing this law, hence Chen can claim his incurred cost from John. Case law regarding award for damage/loss: (HLA [110-11060] eg. Johnson v Perez (1988) 166 CLR 351 at 355). 4. Issue: What arguments could John use to support his claim to the $10,000 he wants Chen to pay? Rule: This is a rule of evidence that precludes a person from denying the truth of some promise made by him or her of the existence of facts whether existing or not which he or she has by words or conduct led another to believe in.- promissory/equitable/estoppels under the Contract Law. Analysis: when the given case is considered it is seen that though John took more than the required time, he actually built the house extension, putting in the labor which was required in spite of the increased labor price (after Chen had agreed), and also that the materials had been used, for which Chen should pay., moreover Chen had agreed on paying the extra cost that was required by John for the labor and material input. By brining in the estoppels method, John can claim that Chen had actually promised him to pay the increased amount of labor cost and the material cost which on completion of the house extension, he cannot refuse to pay. It was only after Chen had agreed to pay for the increased prices that John had started working. This case may also see the reference where the third party (labor force used by John to complete the completion of the house) is used, and thus their payment has to be made as well from the payment that comes from Chen. Though the time taken by John to complete the house extension was more than promised, but he can also claim that the house extension wasnt left incomplete, but was completed over the period of time. moreover if Chen was to refuse the payment which included the extra labor cost and also the price of the materials which have been used by John for completing the extension of the house, he could have said that when John asked for the extra payment or maybe just as the due date for building the house extension was crossed, without waiting for the completion to take place on a full and final basis. No earlier notice had been given to John regarding the nonpayment of the labor costs or the material costs, which had already been spent from Johns side for completing the extension of Chens house. Conclusion: what can be concluded after looking aspects of the contract law is that estoppels can be used as an argument by John in order to get the $10,000 from Chen which had been earlier promised by him, because of the increased labor cost and since, the house had been already completed, and that Chen had not given any notice regarding the nonpayment of labor costs earlier, John can actually go ahead and claim the money with the help of the given branch of contract law. Case laws: where estoppels has been used as a defense or as an argument to get the other party to act in a certain way- Waltons case, Waltons Stores (Interstate) Ltd v Maher (1988) 164 CLR 387 and Central London Property Trust v High Trees House Ltd[1947] 1 KB 130. References (2006).Contract law: Topic 2 Common law elements of contracts.Available: https://sielearning.tafensw.edu.au/MBA/19194J/commerc_law/lo/u5_t2_commonlaw/u5_t2_commonlaw_02.htm. Last accessed 14th Jan 2015. John Arthur. ().Damages and Equitable Compensation in a Commercial Setting .Available: https://www.gordonandjackson.com.au/uploads/documents/seminar-papers/Damages_and_Equitable_Compensation_-_John_Arthur.pdf. Last accessed 14th Jan 2015. (2009).Contract Text.Available: https://www.insitelawmagazine.com/ch9remedies.htm. Last accessed 14th Jan 2015. Julia Clarke. ().Australian Contract and Consumer Law.Available: https://www.australiancontractlaw.com/index.html. Last accessed 14th Jan 2015. .. ().Networked Knowledge - Law Lectures Consideration - in Acceptance of Contract.Available: https://www.netk.net.au/Contract/04Consideration.asp. Last accessed 14th Jan 2015.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

tom hanks essays

tom hanks essays From a stressful childhood to a successful career, Tom Hanks has mastered every angle of film making. While discovering drama in high school, Hanks chose acting as his career choice in college upon seeing The Iceman Cometh. After years of hard work and dedication, Hanks made it to the big screen where he has progressed ever since. Still continuing to act, Tom Hanks has been producing, directing, and writing screen plays. Born on July 9, 1956, in Concord, California, Thomas J. Hanks was the son of Amos and Janet Hanks. His Parents split up when he was five, and the three oldest kids (Hanks was the third) went with their father, Amos, a chef by trade who uprooted the family about every six months chasing after a job (Tom Hanks). His father married two more times after divorcing Toms mother. Eventually, in 1966, they settled down in Oakland California when Tom was ten. During that nomadic period of five years Hanks attended six different grammar schools. Tom finally found a home at his high school, Skyline High, where he was big on athletics. It was also during high school that he discovered acting. It was when Tom watched a friend perform in the schools production of Dracula that he first considered acting. Shortly after attending the schools production, Tom joined the Thespian Club and worked as a stage manager for the schools production of My Fair Lady. Later he won roles in Night of the Iguana, Twelfth Night, and South Pacific. As a senior year Hanks was honored with Skylines highest acting award, Best Actor. This was given to him just 20 years before he would receive his first Oscar. From 1974 to 1976 Tom Hanks attended Chabot College in Hayward, California. There he took one drama class per quarter. To fulfill a course requirement, Tom saw the Berkeley Repertory Production of The Iceman Cometh. The performance of Joe Spano as Rocky in the play fired a d...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cholesterol Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cholesterol - Assignment Example Cholesterol bromination can be used to purify cholesterol (Barton, Miller & Young 98). In most cases, oxidation refers to the addition of the oxygen atom to a substance. However, in organic chemistry, oxidation refers to the loss of bond by carbon atom to hydrogen forming new bonds with other atoms. The overall reaction is characterized by loss of electron density hence loss of the electron. Cholesterol is capable of undergoing both autoxidation and photo-oxidation to produce oxysterols in each case. The common oxidants used for cholesterol oxidation are zinc and sodium dichromate. The first step involves the formation of the ketone, where the O double bond replaces the OH functional group. Then zinc is used to remove the bromine atoms (Stewart, Lee & Can 439). Debromination is the opposite of the bromination because it involves the removal of the bromine atoms from the organic molecule. It is one of the dehydrogenation reactions where cholesterol dibromide is boiled in the presence of alcoholic halide to produce the corresponding alkene molecule. The chemistry behind this reaction is that the bromine attached to the carbon in the alkyl bromide undergoes a reaction with hydrogen that is attached to the ÃŽ ²-carbon that releases the hydrogen bromide. The product of the reaction is the formation of a double bond between ÃŽ ± and ÃŽ ² carbon resulting into an alkene (House & Row 182). Isomerization is a process involving the transformation of a molecule into another with the same atoms but different arrangement. The new molecule is called an isomer. In the case of cholesterol, oxalic acid assists in shifting 5-Cholesten-3-one to a 4-Cholesten-3-one by shuffling of the position of the carbon-carbon double bonds. Oxalic acid provides the acidic medium that favors shifting and formation of a double bond to a new location leading to the formation of the conjugated system with the ketone group (Seager, Spencer & Slabaugh 123). Crystallization is the