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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay On World War 1 - 933 Words

The year is 1914, the world is ruled by superpowers. These powers included the mighty empires such as Russia ( not Soviet union but during the war it will change ), Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France and the Ottoman Empire. One of these powers got extremely mad at a smaller country for a just reason and that set off a chain reaction. That small country was Serbia. Serbia was a small country that’s needs were overlooked for a long time by the Austro Hungarians. The Serbian Government and people were fed up and reached their breaking point. They organized for the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and it would be carried out by a group of people called the black hand society. The Serbs had a plan to kill him that didn’t†¦show more content†¦The place in between yours and enemy trenches is called no mans land. There was a fungal infection similar to Athletes Foot that was called Trench foot and it was a common case. Soldiers in trenches were almost always under constant bombardment from artillery and a mental illness was discovered and was called Shell Shock but later renamed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many people were shoot because military officers thought they were trying to get out of the war. People who actually tried to get out of the war were called deserters. You defended in your trench because it g ave you cover. When you attacked you had to do â€Å"go over the top† which meant you had to climb out of the safety of the trench into no mans land to almost certainly get shot of exploded or shredded by shrapnel. While the horrors of enemy gunfire were real the reality of trench life was worse. Each side of the war had different weapon, styles of trenches, and materials such as Uniforms and helmets. One of my main focuses in this paragraph is helmets. For about a year of war French and Britain did not have steel helmets while the Germans did. This turned out to be a huge difference maker in the front lines. You see parts of your head stuck out of the trench and enemy snipers could kill you rather easily. A metal helmet could offer more protection than the standard khaki cap issued by the Allies. When they finally issued steel helmets for their soldiersShow MoreRelatedWorld War 1 Essay921 Words   |  4 PagesArshdeep Singh 3/31/11 Mr. Rod 1st p WW1 Essay In the 19th century when WW1 ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. It left many long term causes some of them being the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire all fell. But due to their falling it lead to new colonies being made in their place by the people. 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